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  • awjordan5

Symphonic Works

Updated: May 20, 2022

Coates Has Composed and Published 16 Symphonies. Most Are Available Through Music Streaming Services.

From the jump, Coates stands out as a unique and powerful artist that has clearly mastered her craft. Though her symphonies are not particularly long or as drawn out as a Beethoven symphony might be, Coates uses every second of them to create a riveting soundscape that flies in the face of everything that came before it. Symphony no. 1, titled Music on Open Strings (1973/4) opens with what seems to be a relatively standard beginning to a symphony: slow, mysterious, dark, and building tension. However, Coates soon begins to defy the audience's expectations and reveal that the beginning is in fact the most 'comfortable' part of the symphony. Sliding glissandi, harsh dissonances, aggressive pizzicato, and knocking on instrument bodies continue throughout the first movement of this symphony, creating a musical texture completely devoid of a pitch center and rhythm, leaving the listener in a nebulous trance. This trend of embracing that which is uncomfortable can be heard throughout the rest of the symphony, and throughout her body of work in general. Symphony no. 10 titled Drones of Druids on Celtic Ruins (1989) is similarly lacking the forms and structures found in Classical, Romantic, and even Serial music, but makes use of brass and percussion rather than strings. The second movement is scored entirely for unpitched percussion and timpani, with copious use of the snare drum with the low hum of a timpani roll, creating a texture not unlike a rainstorm. Each of her works oozes with personality and are a joy to experience, do make sure to take a listen!

Coates has composed sixteen symphonies, as well as works for mixed choir and orchestra and standalone works for symphonic orchestra.

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