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  • awjordan5

Other Various Music

Updated: May 20, 2022

Coates Has a Large Variety of non-Symphonic and non-Instrumental Chamber Music Which Ranges From Vocal Chamber Music to Theater and Film.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Coates' music that doesn't involve her symphonic or instrumental chamber works, there is not much to be found through music libraries or streaming sites. This is not to say that Coates has not composed a variety of music though. Her Wikipedia page, as well as several other similar websites, lists a much larger body of work than what is evident through viewing Coates' recorded music. Coates has choral (solo and ensemble) music, electronic music, multimedia, theater, and even film music under her belt, with each of these categories having pieces with exciting instrumentation that makes me wish any of it was recorded and produced. A video interview with Coates, which I have included in the Video Excerpts tab, includes a short excerpt of one of her multimedia pieces, titled Entering the Unknown (2004). This piece is scored for string quartet, video, and spinet (a small harpsichord). The addition of a visual element to Coates' music enhances it that much more, in my opinion. In the video excerpt, you can see the spinet player with the video playing behind them, with the string quartet off-screen. The video seems to simply be average footage of what someone may see in a public space like an airport, but with various effects such as inverted colors added in post. This distorted video with the already harrowing music makes me feel as if I'm watching a horror movie, and fills me with a kind of excited anxiety that I normally would only feel before getting on a roller coaster. I implore you to find as much of Coates' music as you can, hopefully you have better luck than me!

The above movie poster is from a 2013 movie titled Another Kind, which Coates provided some of her music for. The below video is a trailer for a 2001 film titled Death of Cain, which Coates composed the score for.

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